Anisakis simplex, a relevant etiologic factor in acute urticaria
- 1 May 1997
- Vol. 52 (5) , 576-579
Del Pozo MD, Audícana M, Diez JM, Muñoz D, Ansotegui IJ, Fernández E, García M, Etxenagusia M, Moneo I, Fernández de Corres L. Anisakis simplex, a relevant etiologic factor in acute urticaria. Anisakis simplex, a parasite of fish and cephalopods, can induce IgE‐mediated reactions. This study aimed to determine the etiologic role of A. simplex in patients affected by urlicaria/angioedema ‘AE’ or anaphylaxis. We studied 100 adult subjects suffering acute episodes of urticaria/AE, by anamnesis, prick tests with A. simplex and fish‐mix extracts, and total and specific IgE to both A. simplex and cod. The following criteria of A. simplex allergy were considered: 1’ urticaria/AE within 6 h after fish ingestion; 2’ specific IgE to A. simplex; 3’ positive prick test to A. simplex extract; 4’ exclusion of other suspected causes. Double‐blind, placebo‐controlled food challenge was not carried out because ethical considerations forbid challenge with a parasite. Specific IgE to A. simplex‘A. simplex allergy. Other allergens were involved in 37 patients, and 55 cases were considered idiopathic. Specific IgE to fish ‘A. simplex is an important etiologic factor in acute urticaria. We suggest that it should be considered in cases of urticaria/AE or anaphylaxis, especially after fish ingestion.Keywords
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