Differences in the Spherical Intermolecular Potentials of Hydrogen and Deuterium

The differences in the Lennard-Jones parameters of hydrogen and deuterium are determined from a reanalysis of the second-virial-coefficient data of Michels et al. and an analysis of the diffusion data of Amdur and Beatty and of Mason, Annis, and Islam. The effects of higher Chapman—Enskog approximations, spherical quantum corrections, inelastic collisions, and the anisotropy of the intermolecular potentials on the transport coefficients are found to be very small, and the experimental differences can be ascribed unambiguously to differences in the isotropic intermolecular potentials. The reanalysis of the second-virial-coefficient data yields the results that (εH2—εD2)/εH2=0.06 and (σH2—σD2)/σH2=0.00 8; these results are consistent with the transport-coefficient data.