C60 Nanowhiskers Formed by the Liquid–liquid Interfacial Precipitation Method

Fine needlelike crystals of C60 have been formed by a liquid–liquid interfacial precipitation method which uses an interface of the concentrated toluene solution of C60/isopropyl alcohol. The needlelike crystals of C60 with a diameter of submicrons (“C60 nanowhiskers”) were found to be single crystalline and composed of thin slabswith a thickness of about 10 nm. The intermolecular distance of the C60 nanowhiskerswas found to be shortened along the growth axis as compared with the pristine C60crystals, indicating a formation of strong bonding between C60 molecules. TheC60 nanowhiskers are assumed to be polymerized via the “2 + 2” cycloaddition inthe close-packed [110]c direction.