Laryngeal papillomatosis: correlation between severity of disease and presence of HPV 6 and 11 detected by in situ DNA hybridisation.

A technique using a biotin-streptavidin polyalkaline phosphatase complex was applied to routinely fixed and processed biopsy specimens of laryngeal papillomata from 45 patients taken over the past 20 years to detect human papilloma virus (HPV) types 6 and 11. Two thirds of both adult and juvenile onset cases were positive for HPV 6 or HPV 11 or both. Five specimens of normal vocal cord epithelium were negative for HPV 6 and 11. The detailed clinical history, endoscopic findings, success of treatment and eventual prognosis were compared with the HPV state of biopsy material for each patient. Patients with multiple confluent lesions when first seen, whose histology showed florid koilocytosis and who had strongly positive reactivity for HPV 6 or 11 present in the surface epithelial cell nuclei, had a poor prognosis requiring multiple endoscopies to control their disease.