Needle Biopsy DNA Ploidy Status Predicts Grade Shifting in Prostate Cancer

DNA ploidy analysis of prostate needle biopsy specimens was performed to determine whether ploidy status could predict tumor grade shifting at radical prostatectomy. The paired needle biopsy and radical prostatectomy specimens from 111 randomly selected men with prostate cancer were obtained from the surgical pathology files of the Albany Medical Center Hospital. The original tumor grades were assigned by a staff of 12 surgical pathologists according to the Gleason system. Tumors with original Gleason scores ≤6 were classified as low grade, and tumors with scores of ≥7 were considered high grade. DNA ploidy analysis was performed on the needle biopsy specimens using the CAS 200 image analyzer (Becton Dickinson Immunocytometry Systems, Mountain View, CA, USA) on Feulgen stained 5-μm tissue sections. There were 88 diploid and 23 nondiploid cases. Thirty-eight of 111 (34%) of cases had grade shifting from needle biopsy to radical prostatectomy specimens. Of 89 low-grade needle biopsy cases, 28 (31%) were upgraded at radical prostatectomy. Of 22 high-grade needle biopsy cases, 10 (45%) were downgraded to low grade at radical prostatectomy. Of the 28 low-grade needle biopsy specimens that were upgraded at radical prostatectomy, 19 (68%) featured an aneuploid histogram and 9 (32%) were diploid. Nineteen of 28 (68%) of aneuploid low-grade tumors on needle biopsy became high-grade at radical prostatectomy. Nine of 10 (90%) diploid high-grade tumors at needle biopsy became low-grade at radical prostatectomy. Of the 38 cases in which ploidy and grade were incongruous, 28 (74%) had grade shifting. In a multivariate regression analysis, a high-grade Gleason score on radical prostatectomy specimens correlated significantly with needle biopsy ploidy (p = 0.0001) but not with needle biopsy grade (p = 0.15). The sensitivity of the needle biopsy grade in the detection of high-grade tumors on radical prostatectomy was 30%, and the specificity was 86%. The sensitivity of ploidy status in the prediction of high grade at radical prostatectomy was 78%, and the specificity was 96%. With a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level of >0.4 ng/ml as the indicator of post-radical prostatectomy disease recurrence on a subset of 106 patients, on univariate analysis, disease recurrence was predicted by needle biopsy ploidy (p = 0.001) and radical prostatectomy grade (p = 0.04) but not by needle biopsy grade (p = 0.39). On multivariate analysis, needle biopsy DNA ploidy status independently predicted disease recurrence (p = 0.002), whereas needle biopsy and prostatectomy grade did not. These results indicate that DNA ploidy analysis of needle biopsy specimens of prostate cancer predicts grade shifting, that it is a more sensitive and specific indicator of final tumor grade at radical prostatectomy than is the original needle biopsy grade, and that ploidy status independently predicts postoperative disease recurrence.