The Nephrotic Syndrome and Pregnancy

THE nephrotic syndrome and pregnancy rarely co- exist. This may be attributed to the relative infrequency of this disease during the childbearing period and to the obstacles to conception afforded by any serious chronic and frequently incapacitating illness.Wegner1 reported 3 cases out of 12,000 deliveries in 1937. Seftel and Schewitz2 described 7 patients and later 7 others with renal-biopsy studies.3 Tillman4 noted 14 cases. Other isolated reports have appeared recently in the English-language literature-5 6 7 8 9 The nephrotic syndrome is a disease of unknown etiology characterized by edema, proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia and hypercholesterolemia. It apparently occurs as a result of an antigen–antibody . . .