Dietary Intake of Austrian Diabetic Children 10 to 14 Years of Age

The dietary intake of 63 children with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM; age 10 to 14 years) was weighed by dietitians for 2 days during a summer camp for youth with diabetes. Data were analyzed for the content of macronutrients with the help of a computer database program. The dietary intake of children with diabetes was compared with that of healthy Austrian school children and with the current nutritional recommendations for children with IDDM. The mean intake of carbohydrate did not meet the recommended level, whereas sucrose, fiber, and protein intake approximated the recommendations. The total consumption of fat and cholesterol, however, exceeded the recommended values. The nutritional intake of Austrian children with IDDM was similar to that of healthy children of the same age and thus reflected regional dietary habits. Dietary educational measures on a national basis are needed to change harmful local eating patterns.