Experiments were performed to test the hypothesis due to Redfield, that a nuclear spin system in a sufficiently large rf field, H1(ν), is properly described by a spin temperature referred to a frame of reference rotating about the Zeeman field with the frequency ν of the rf field. Measurements were made on the Na23 spins in NaCl and the F19 spins in CaF2. A combination of steady-state and pulse techniques was used to measure the magnetization Mz as a function of the frequency and amplitude of H1(ν). When H1 is sufficiently large, the data show that Redfield's theory is correct within 10% for NaCl but appreciably in error for CaF2. The same type of measurement performed at low amplitudes of H1 show that the theory of Bloembergen, Purcell, and Pound is in agreement with the NaCl measurements but measurably in error for CaF2. It is suggested that neither theory is correct for CaF2 because the fluorine spins relax by means of paramagnetic impurities, and, therefore, do not relax independently with characteristic time T1, as is assumed in both theories. In an intermediate range of saturating field amplitudes, neither theory is expected to apply; this was found to be the case experimentally.