Fermi surface of field-induced ferromagnetic CeSb

The Fermi surface of ferromagnetic CeSb is analyzed with use of a model in which the f electrons in the system are treated as localized (unhybridized) j=(5/2), μ=(5/2) states interacting only weakly with the conduction electrons through electrostatic and exchange interactions. The ordering of the f orbital moments along the [001] easy-magnetization axis breaks the cubic symmetry introducing noncubic contributions to the potential seen by the conduction electrons. Because spin-orbit coupling in the conduction bands proves quite significant, the requisite model includes both the spin-orbit coupling and the polarization effects. The application of the model compares quite favorably with the measured de Haasvan Alphen frequencies except that the calculated polarization splittings, while quite small, are still overly large. It is found that the electron masses have little or no enhancement beyond the electron-phonon enhancement.