Progression of HIV infection in the post-HAART era among a cohort of HIV+ Greek haemophilia patients

The study aims to describe the course of HIV-1 infection in the pre- and post-HAART period in a cohort of HIV+ haemophilia patients followed up for up to 21 years.The cohort includes 158 haemophilic men with known seroconversion dates followed up prospectively for a median time of 12 and 5.7 years in the pre- (1980-96) and post-HAART period (1997-2003), respectively.The risk of developing AIDS was lowered by 56% in the post- as compared to the pre-HAART period. Of the 158 patients 69 developed AIDS in the pre-HAART period while of the 59 subjects still alive and AIDS free on 1/1/1997 six developed AIDS. The rate of PCP (12.0 cases per 1000 person-years) and NHL (5.4 cases per 1000 person-years), the most common causes of AIDS diagnosis in the pre-HAART era, were remarkably reduced in the post-HAART era (both rates: 2.8 cases per 1000 person-years). On the contrary, the corresponding risk for non-AIDS deaths was fourfold increased in the post-HAART period. Of the 38 non-AIDS related deaths in both periods, 13 occurred post-HAART. The predominant cause of non-AIDS mortality in both periods was end-stage liver disease (ESLD) (7 pre- and 4 post-HAART). The rate of non-AIDS related cancers was also increased during the post-HAART period.In this haemophilia cohort the risk of AIDS has substantially reduced in the post-HAART period, but the rate of non-AIDS mortality tended to increase. Among haemophilia subjects, due to the high rates of HCV/HIV coinfection, ESLD, the predominant cause of non-AIDS mortality, will become an increasingly important clinical problem.