Absolute Saturation Magnetization of Nickel-Antimony and Nickel-Tantalum Alloys

The absolute saturation magnetic moment per atom (M) was measured as a function of the atomic composition (τ) for nickel-antimony and nickel-tantalum solid solutions. Fields up to 40,000 gauss and temperatures down to 77.2°K were used. The initial slope dMdτ was found to be -3.6 and -5.7 Bohr magnetons per substituted atom for Ni-Sb and Ni-Ta, respectively. The disagreement between the former result and the data of Sadron and of Marian is discussed in conjunction with "superposed paramagnetism." A complete summary of previous data on ferromagnetic binary alloys shows the present results to be additional exceptions to a surprisingly large range of applicability of the energy band theory. The "anomalous" behavior of the iron alloys is briefly discussed.