Metabolism of injected flavins studied by using double-labeled [14C]flavin adenine dinucleotide and [14C, 32P]flavin mononucleotide.

The metabolism of flavins in mouse was studied with [F-(2)-14C, A-(2,8)-14C]FAD and [F-(2)-14C, 32P]FMN. At 90 min after injection, the radioactive isoalloxazine nucleus of double-labeled FAD was markedly incorporated into FAD, FMN and riboflavin in the liver; a small amount of the radioactive adenine nucleus of double-labeled FAD was found in FAD in the liver. In the case of FMN, radioactive isoalloxazine nucleus of double-labeled FMN was markedly incorporated into FAD, FMN and riboflavin in the liver; only a minute amount of radioactive P was incorporated into FMN and FAD in the same organ. FMN and FAD injected are apparently rapidly hydrolyzed and resynthesized in the animal body.