Immunopotentiating effect of a ‘Yang’‐promoting formula of traditional Chinese medicine on aged female BALB/c mice

The ‘Yang’‐promoting traditional Chinese medicines (TCM) are used to boost vigor and enhance immunity in humans. In this study, the immunopotentiating effect of VI‐28, a ‘Yang’‐promoting TCM formula containing extracts of radix ginseng, cornu Cervi pantotrichum and radix Salvia miltiorrhizae, was investigated. Groups of 8‐month‐old female ex‐breeder BALB/c mice were fed on ordinary mouse food or food containing a low (0.5%) or high (2%) dose VI‐28 for up to 18 weeks. From week 6, mice on the TCM‐containing diet were much healthier, stronger and more alert than those on the normal mouse food. Furthermore, their thymuses were significantly bigger and heavier than those of the control mice. Histological examination revealed structural changes typical of thymic involution in mice of the control group, whilst the microstructure of thymuses from mice taking TCM‐containing food was comparable to that of mice of a much younger age, indicating a positive effect of VI‐28 on slowing down thymic involution. Functional analysis of splenocytes from mice of different groups suggested that oral administration of VI‐28 corrected the hyporesponsiveness of T lymphocytes in aged mice. These results have important implications for our understanding of the mechanisms of the immunoboosting effect of TCM. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.