The legumin gene family: structure and evolutionary implications of Vicia faba B-type genes and pseudogenes

We have characterized several Vicia faba genes encoding methionine residue-free group B subunits of the 11S or legumin storage proteins. The respective gene subfamily consists of 10 to 15 members, six of them having been studied by DNA sequence analysis. Four functional genes (LeB2, LeB4, LeB6, LeB7) are highly homologous in their coding region and 0.3 kb of their 3′ flanking sequences. On the other hand, two pseudogenes (ψLeB1, ψLeB5) have accumulated a large number of mutations including an identical 0.7 kb internal deletion; they are both flanked by a repetitive element. Analysis of sequence changes show that transitions are nearly double as frequent as transversions. CpG is the most infrequent dinucleotide whereas TpA is significantly underrepresented in exon sequences. End points of deletions are correlated with short direct repeats and preferentially found in the two introns. Our studies indicate that the Vicia faba legumin B gene subfamily contains a group of expressed, highly homologous genes as well as more diverged pseudogenes.