Studies on Anti-ulcerogenic Protein in Inflamed Rabbit Skin Tissues. III. Anti-ulcerogenic Peptide (Gly-Ser-His-Lys) Obtained from Tissues Infected with Vaccinia Virus

The action of this peptide widely covered against various experimental ulcers in rats induced by pylorus-ligation, restraint plus water immersion-stress (minimum effective dose, mg/kg, i.v.; 5.0), aspirin (5.0), histamine (5.0), cortisone (2.5/day), cysteamine (10) and acetic acid (1.0/day). With respect to minimum effective dose, the effect of GSHL was 5- to 20-fold stronger than that of cimetidine, except for acetic acid-induced ulcers. Histological finding of acetic acid-induced ulcers revealed that GSHL treatment shortened an apparent defect of mucosa, a true defect of mucosa and rupture of muscularis mucosae, and that it increased healing index and mucosal regeneration index. The peptide significantly decreased the serum gastrin level, increased mucosal and stromal hexosamine contents and also increased mucosal blood flow in stress-treated rats. It significantly inhibited gastric secretion in pylorus-ligated rats. The mechanism of the action of GSHL appears to be due to the restorative effect against defective mucosa and an anti-secretory effect.