Singlet-Triplet Interval Ratios forsp,sd,sf,p5sandd9sconfigurations

A systematic comparison of the known data on the singlets and triplets arising from sp, sd, sf, p5s and d9s configurations with the theory of Houston shows that the theory gives a good account of the deviations from the Landé interval rule which accompany departure from Russell-Saunders coupling. There are numerous significant discrepancies, however. Writing Ll1 and Ll+13, Ll3, Ll13 with L=P, D, F when l=1, 2, 3 for the term values, we plot as abscissa (Ll13Ll+13)|Ll3Ll1| and (Ll13Ll3)(Ll3Ll+13) as ordinate if Ll3Ll1 is positive, otherwise the reciprocal of this quantity. Houston's equations (12) give functional relations between these interval ratios which are compared with the experimental values.

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