A seismic refraction survey has shown three layers below the drift, correlated with Trias, Upper Carboniferous and Carboniferous Limestone, respectively. The thicknesses of the first two have been estimated. A detailed gravity survey has been co‐ordinated with three of the four seismic lines. One of the faults on the west of the Vale has been traced by the gravity survey for 11/2 miles and identified on a seismic line. It is shown to be either a single fault of 700 feet throw and approximately 45° hade, or else two or more step‐faults. The first arrival times at this line can all be explained on the simple ray theory with the assumption of wave diffraction. The significance of the later arrivals is discussed.The Vale is shown to be divided into basins of Trias by the faults on the west side, but the Vale of Clwyd fault on the east side is continuous.

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