Spatial and temporal evolution of the first-order phase transition in intrinsic optical bistability

Dynamical transient response and longitudinal spatial evolution of the first-order phase transition are presented for intrinsic optical bistability of a system of interacting spatially distributed, coherently driven two-level atoms. It is shown that a discontinuity in the nonlinear dielectric function is established internal to the medium due to transient response to a coherent, externally applied, time-dependent driving field, following the attainment of a critical value for the input intensity. If the externally applied field intensity reaches the steady state, beyond the critical value, the discontinuity of the nonlinear dielectric function in the medium reaches a stable stationary condition and forms a spatial boundary between states of high and low polarization in the medium. Thus it is shown that intrinsic optical bistability corresponds to a spatial as well as a temporal first-order phase transition in light-matter interactions, far from thermodynamic equilibrium, where the spatial boundary between different phases is established by transient dynamical response to the incident field.