Variability in the formation and detection of growth increments in bivalve shells

Growth increments in bivalve shells have been used in geophysics and paleoecology. However, little study has been given to the variability of increment patterns within and between shells. The variability of increment patterns is examined visually and quantitatively, with the help of a serial correlation computer program. Analyses of increment patterns of the bivalves Chione fluctifraga and Protothaca staminea (Veneridae) indicate that: 1) quantitative results complement the visual observations; 2) increments are not consistently detected during successive measurements; 3) a striking similarity exists between right and left valves of the same specimen; and 4) different specimens collected from the same natural environment do not show any one-to-one increment relationship—however, increment width trends may be present. The variation of increment patterns seen between specimens suggests caution in the use of bivalve increments in paleoecology.