Symptoms of chaos in observed oscillations near a bifurcation with noise

We examine an experimental transition from periodic to aperiodic and back to periodic dynamics in the combustion of acetaldehyde(ACH) in a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) with power spectra, autocorrelation functions, phase portraits, Poincaŕe sections, the Wolf–Swift–Swinney–Vastano (WSSV) method for determining the largest Lyapounov exponent, and the Grassberger–Procaccia (GP) method for determining correlation dimension. Each technique gives some indications of a transition to chaos, but there are discrepancies in that the largest Lyapounov exponent is positive but does not converge and the GP method results in a correlation dimension between one and two for two aperiodic data sets. We explore in instructive detail possible explanations for false indications of chaos by comparing our results with calculations on the Rössler chaotic attractor and the van der Pol periodic attractor modified to examine the effects of uneven point distribution and three types of experimental noise. An uneven distribution of points results in a decreased range of length scales for convergence and a larger required embedding dimension for the GP method, but does not explain our experimental results. Observation noise (a Gaussian noise added to each term in the time series but not entering in the equations of motion) and constraint shift (the motion relaxes to an attractor but a constraint changes monotonically during the course of measurement) added to a periodic attractor both result in a low length scale cutoff below which the attractor dimension does not converge with embedding dimension, and above which it converges to 1. Constraint variation noise (a Gaussian noise is added to each term in the time series and enters into the equations of motion as a stochastic perturbation) does yield correlation dimensions between 1 and 2. The experimental transition shows many similarities to a Hopf bifurcation found in another experiment on the same system and to a theoretical Hopf bifurcation with constraint variation noise. A modification of the WSSV Lyapounov exponent analysis for this experimental transition shows the random walk separation of trajectories expected for constraint variation noise added to the dynamics of a periodic attractor with a Hopf bifurcation. We therefore identify the experimental transition as an arc in constraint space which does not cross but is nearly tangent to a Hopf bifurcation set.

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