The amylase content of pancreas tissue was reduced by feeding of the pigeons and injn. of carbamyi-choline before killing. An increase in the total amylase activity occurred when depleted pancreas slices were incubated aerobically in media containing glucose. This increase in total amylase activity required O2 and was inhibited by 2,4-dinitrophenol, cyanide and iodoacetate. The increase in total amylase activity was greatest (80-190%) in saline containing amino acids, least (40-70%) in saline without amino acids, and intermediate (60-100%) in serum. In the presence of amino acids the increase in total amylase activity corresponded to about 5 [mu]g. amylase/mg. dry wt./hr. In the presence of carbamylcholine, pilocarpine or acetylcholine with eserine, pancreas slices discharged more amylase into the medium than in the absence of these drugs. This discharge was dependent on oxygen and was inhibited by 2,4-dinitrophenol and cyanide. Apparently pigeon pancreas slices synthesize and actively secrete amylase in vitro, if respiration is intact. Under the conditions of the expts. synthesis of amylase was not appreciably affected by secretion.