Definition of respiratory symptoms and disease in early childhood in large prospective birth cohort studies that predict the development of asthma

We have reviewed the prospective value of early respiratory symptoms for determining the risk of development of asthma later in life by using data from studies based on the general population, hospital population, and general practices. Although ‘wheezing’ in infancy generally has a good prognosis, it is an important risk factor for the development of asthma later in life. The prognostic value of ‘coughing’ and ‘shortness of breath’ in infancy for the later development of asthma is less clear. Despite the fact that no internationally accepted criteria for the definition of asthma in early childhood are available, many studies have been performed on this topic. We also investigated the outcome variables that were used to describe respiratory symptoms and disease in early childhood in the publications of nine large prospective birth cohort studies on the development of asthma. From seven of these studies, we reviewed the original questionnaires. We found that various studies used different outcome variables, but the data actually collected were similar. This is an important observation because it implies that comparisons between studies can be markedly improved by data sharing among investigators.