A carotenoid-containing membrane fraction devoid of chlorophyll and phycobiliproteins was isolated from three unicellular cyanobacteria, Synechococcus sp., Synechococcus leopoliensis UTEX 625, and Anacystis nidulans R-2, by aqueous-phase separation, hydrophobic chromatography, and differential centrifugation. The presence of 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate, muramic acid, and diaminopimelic acid suggests that the preparation is highly enriched in cell wall. Electron micrographs of thin sections of this material showed C-shaped membrane profiles similar to those seen in other gram-negative cell wall preparations. The inactivation of cyanophage AS-1 by this fraction confirmed its identity as cell wall. The cell wall contained approximately equal weights of total carbohydrate and protein. Absorption maxima at 434, 452, and 488 nm indicated the presence of carotenoids. These were in the outer membrane and were not due to contaminating cytoplasmic or thylakoid membranes. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the preparations showed a broad band of approximately 50,000 molecular weight which contained 35% of the total outer membrane protein. This band was resolved into at least two components running at approximately 50,000 and 52,000 molecular weight. The smaller of these polypeptides was a glycoprotein. The polypeptide components were unaffected by protease or detergent treatment in either whole cells or isolated cell wall preparations, indicating that the polypeptide components were not exposed to the surface or easily removed from the hydrophobic environment.