Vesical Neck Reconstruction in Patients with Epispadias-Exstrophy Complex

The achievement of satisfactory continence in the management of patients with the epispadias-exstrophy complex remains a challenge. Between 1971 and 1989, 22 children underwent vesical neck reconstruction at our hospital. Satisfactory continence was achieved in 17 of the 22 patients (77%), including 8 (36%) who are continent after a single vesical neck reconstruction and 9 of 13 who achieved continence after additional and/or adjunctive procedures. Additions and/or adjunctive procedures included revision of the vesical neck reconstruction, bladder augmentation and/or placement of an artificial urinary sphincter. We conclude that vesical neck reconstruction with or without additional and/or adjunctive procedures can result in an acceptable continence rate in patients with the epispadias-exstrophy complex.