Calculations on species relevant to the photoionization of the van der Waals molecule (H2S)2

Ab initio geometry optimizations are performed on the neutral and cation of H2S and (H2S)2. The neutral dimer is a weakly bound complex possessing only shallow minima in the potential energy surface, but the dimer cation has a deeper minimum where a proton has been transferred to give a complex of H3S+ and HS. Dimer binding energies, ionization energies, and appearance potentials are calculated. Intermonomer distances can be quite sensitive to basis set and correlation improvements on the HF/6‐31G* level of theory. The potential energy surfaces, however, are flat enough so that the energetic consequences are not large. A simple procedure for estimating energy changes involving ionization is suggested; this method separates an adiabatic energy difference into a vertical ionization followed by a geometric relaxation.