According to the classical genetic analysis in Paramecium caudatum by Tsukii & Hiwatashi (1983), the E mating type of each syngen is expressed when the cell bears alleles specific for syngen at the Mt locus. The O mating type is expressed when cells are homozygous for the null allele, mt, at the Mt locus. In such mt/mt cells the O syngen specificity is determined by alleles at two other loci called MA and MB. Inthe study reported here, macronucleoplasmic transplantation technique was used to test the above hypothesis. When macronucleoplasm of type E3 (mating type E of syngen 3) was injected into a macronucleus of type O12 (mating type O of syngen 12), some recipients changed to type E of the donor syngen but some others changed to type E of the recipient syngen. Thus, syngen specificity of donor macronucleoplasm controlling type E was converted into that of the recipients, even though the latter has no gene that controls type E. When this transformant expressing type E of the recipiexnt syngen was re-injected back into E of the other syngen, the expression of the converted mating type in some way continued in the recipient. This suggests that syngen specificity of gene Mt of the donor was changed to that of the recipients by intersyngenic transplantation of macronucleoplasm. We also obtained results suggesting that the gene dosage ratio of Mt to mt or Mt to MA and MB may be important for syngen specific expression of type E.