A study of the effects of thiamine on hypermetabolism induced by administration of desiccated thyroid gland was suggested by several observations. We noted that the administration of desiccated thyroid to depressed psychotic patients was associated with tachycardia, restlessness and apprehension of a degree which necessitated discontinuance of medication. Other patients, however, who previously had been given thiamine hydrochloride, tolerated the administration of desiccated thyroid well. They were less apprehensive and agitated, although the increase in the metabolic rate and in the cardiac rate were as great as in the previous group of patients. Administration of small doses of desiccated thyroid to patients with a low basal metabolic rate often is attended by rapid action of the heart and complaints of nervousness and digestive disturbances. An increase in the basal metabolic rate could be accomplished in such patients with fewer complaints if adequate amounts of thiamine were given prior to the