Stress-induced disruption of parturition in the rat may be mediated by endogenous opioids

Plasma samples were obtained before and during parturition from conscious rats implanted chronically with a jugular cannula. Rats were either allowed to remain in their nesting cage throughout parturition, or were moved immediately following the birth of the second or third pup into an empty glass chamber. The time-course of parturition was prolonged for mother rats which were moved in mid-parturition to this unfamiliar environment. However, in rats given an i.v. injection of the opioid antagonist naloxone at the time of transfer, parturition followed a normal time-course, and plasma oxytocin levels were significantly higher than in animals injected with saline. Thus our hypothesis is that stress activates opioid pathways which delay parturition by inhibiting oxytocin release. Opioid-mediated mechanisms may similarly be responsible for some problems in human parturition. J. Endocr. (1987) 114, 247–252