Lateral Flagella of Vibrios: Serological Classification and Genetical Similarity

Lateral (L-) flagella-having vibrios were classified into 13 H-serogroups (flagellar antigen serogroups) by means of H-agglutination test. Vibrio parahaemolyticus was classified into 3 serogroups, HL1 to 3. V. alginolyticus and V. harveyi were classified into 5 and 3 serogroups, respectively, but 2 of those were serogroups common to the both species. V. fluvialis and V. furnissii constituted a same serogroup, HL8. Cross-reactivity between each serogroup was not observed in H-agglutination test, although some cross-reactivity was observed in gel diffusion test. Furthermore, similarity of DNA sequence of L-flagellar structure gene was demonstrated by dot blot hybridization test with a DNA probe of HL2 L-flagellar gene fragment. These results suggest conservation of DNA sequence of the L-flagellar gene of vibrios.