Adolescent Sibling Bereavement Symptomatology in a Large Community Sample

This study presents data on a recently developed instrument assessing symptomatology in a 13-to 18-year-old community sample of bereaved adolescents. Adolescents assessed within 18 months of their sibling's death showed consistently high levels of grief symptomatology. A second sample assessed more than 18 months after their sibling's death reported lower levels of grief symptomatology. However, a significant group of adolescents in this second sample continued to have high levels of grief reactions. Groups high and low on reported grief symptoms, when the death had occurred more than 18 months earlier, were compared on the Offer Self-Image Questionnaire. The data revealed dysfunctionalpatterns of self-concept in adolescents with high grief symptom levels. This pattern was not evident in the adolescents who were able to normalize their lives despite the traumatic experience of having a brother or sister die.

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