Spectral properties of the Hubbard bands

Using strong-coupling perturbation theory for the Hubbard model, explicit expressions are obtained for the integrated weights, energy positions, and widths of the upper and lower Hubbard bands separately, both for the optical and photoemission spectrum. In one dimension all expressions can be explicitly evaluated using the large-U Bethe-ansatz wave function. The k→-dependent moments for the one-particle spectrum are compared with the closely related two-pole ansatz. The strong momentum dependence of the spectra demonstrates the importance of the k→-dependent correlation functions in the spectral moments, which are often neglected. In order to estimate corrections due to the neglect of higher-order terms (in t/U), all results are compared with numerical-diagonalization data for intermediate-U values. The sum-rule results show a rapid spectral-weight transfer from the high- to the low-energy regime upon doping, similar to what is observed experimentally in one-particle and optical spectra of Cu (high-Tc) and Ni compounds. Such fast weight redistributions as a function of the carrier density are a natural consequence of the strong correlations in these materials. The redistribution of intensity in the optical conductivity is connected with the dilution of the spin system by the added holes. For the one-particle spectrum the decrease of weight in the upper Hubbard band away from half filling can be understood by state counting at U=∞, and the effect is strongly enhanced for small doping by both the first- and second-order terms in t/U. Altogether, the one-particle and optical spectra show the importance of the three-site hopping term. Therefore the t-J model does not represent well the spectral properties of the Hubbard model at large U. The local spin order is essential and determines both the k→ dependence of the one-particle spectrum and the intensities in the optical spectrum.