Total Removal of Acoustic Neuroma

CONTROVERSY still exists concerning the most satisfactory method of treatment of patients with a unilateral acoustic neuroma within the cerebellopontile angle. The question, in fact, has been raised as to whether operation should be done at all.1If operation is performed, "partial removal" still has its advocates,2.3while others favor "total removal" of the lesion as the operation of choice.412Other questions unanswered relate to the type of operative approach, preservation of the facial nerve, resection of the cerebellum, and other technical procedures in the operation. Since all of these different proposals13 lerepresenting various modifications of the usual standard suboccipital approach are intended to influence morbidity and mortality in a beneficial way, it seemed appropriate to review, appraise, and record our data which have been generated solely by the employment of the so-called traditional suboccipital approach for total removal of this particular tumor. Material Sixty-seven