Age Structure and Reproductive Biology of a Natural House Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Population

Spatial and temporal components of sex ratio and female age structure were studied in sweep net samples of Musca domestica L. Nine age groups were recognized. Collections were made on nine dates from three sites at a dairy farm. Diurnal components of sex ratio and age structure also were investigated by making sweeps at 0700, 1200, and 1700 hours at one sampling location. Insemination rates were examined with respect to gonotrophic development. Sex ratio and proportions of gravid females did not vary consistently over space or time. The proportion of males netted increased linearly with hour of the day. Insemination correlated with the onset of vitellogenesis and was 91% complete within a day. Previtellogenic females (<2.5 days old) were virgin; their relative abundance was greatest where males were most abundant and parous flies were least abundant. The effective sex ratio of males to receptive virgins was estimated to be ca. 6:1.