Charge transfer, polarization, and relaxation effects on the Auger line shapes of Si

The Auger line shapes of Si are quantitatively interpreted noting particularly the core-hole screening effects as exhibited through charge transfer, polarization, and atomic relaxation. The KL1V, KL2,3V, and L1 L2,3V line shapes reflect a core-hole-screened density of states (DOS) consistent with the core hole in the final state of these processes. A DOS appropriate for the screened core hole is obtained by distorting the theoretical DOS for the ground state utilizing the Green’s function for a tight-binding Hamiltonian and a central-cell potential. Comparison of the L2,3VV and KVV line shapes reveal large differences. These differences are discussed in the context of surface effects, intrinsic and extrinsic plasmon losses, and final-state shakeoff. The L2,3VV and KVV line shapes also suggest some distortion effects due to final-state hole correlation. The KL2,3L2,3 line shape is interpreted in the context of similar line shapes for Na, Mg, Al, and P; all show plasmon losses and, except for P, initial-state shakeoff contributions.

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