Kinetics of Substrate Reaction in the Course of Hydroperoxide-Mediated Inactivation of Cytochrome P450 1A1

A schematic kinetic model is proposed for the hydroperoxide-mediated substrate reaction and cytochrome P450 inactivation. From the model, the relationships between the product concentration at infinite time (P), the apparent rate constant of P450 inactivation (A), and the substrate concentrations are predicted, and the predictions were experimentally examined. The reciprocal of P is proportional to the reciprocal of the substrate concentration in both CuOOH- and H2O2-supported substrate reactions. The reciprocal of P is proportional to cumene hydroperoxide (CuOOH) concentration, but P is independent of H2O2 concentration, indicating different effects of CuOOH and H2O2 in P450 inactivation. The apparent rate constant (A) is proportional to the reciprocal of the substrate concentrations, suggesting substrate protection of P450 from hydroperoxide inactivation. The model also suggests that a second CuOOH molecule may compete with substrate for binding to the P450 substrate binding site. Simulated kinetics of production formation vs time are quite consistent with the experimental kinetics.