The optic tectum is a major subdivision of the visual system in reptiles. Previous studies have characterized the laminar pattern, the neuronal populations, and the afferent and efferent connections of the optic tectum in a variety of reptiles. However, little is known about the interactions that occur between neurons within the tectum. This study describes two kinds of interactions that occur between one major class of neurons, the radial cells, in the optic tectum of Pseudemys using Nissl, Golgi and electron microscopic preparations. Radial cells have somata which bear long, radially oriented apical dendrites from their upper poles and short, basal dendrites from their lower poles. They are divided into two populations on the basis of the distribution of their somata in the tectum. Deep radial cells have somata densely packed in the stratum griseum periventriculare. Their plasma membranes form casual appositions. Middle radial cells have somata scattered throughout the stratum griseum centrale and stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale and do not contact each other. The apical dendrites of both populations of radial cells participate in vertically oriented, dendritic bundles. The plasma membranes of the dendrites in these bundles form casual appositions in the deeper tectal layers and chemical, dendrodenritic synapses within the stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale. The synapses have clear, round synaptic vesicles and slightly asymmetric membrane densities. Thus, radial cells interact via both casual appositions and chemical synapses. These interactions suggest that radial cells may form a basic framework in the tectum. Because both populations of radial cells extend into the stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale and stratum opticum, they may receive input from some of the same tectal afferent systems. Because the deep radial cells alone have somata and dendrites in the deep tectal layers, they may receive additional inputs that the middle radial cells do not. Neurons in the two populations interact via chemical dendrodendritic synapses, thereby forming vertically oriented modules in the tectum.