Complete nucleotide sequence of the bovine β‐lactoglobulin gene

In this paper we report the complete bovine β‐lactoglobulin gene sequence, consisting of seven exons within a total of 4724 base pairs. The inferred amino acid sequence agrees completely with that determined directly for the ? variant. The bovine β‐lactoglobulin gene sequence shows 89% homology to the corresponding ovine sequence, with complete conservation of gene organization and splice sites, though a significant proportion of CG dinucleotides have been lost since the species diverged. Comparison with the previously reported cDNA sequence reveals a number of nucleotide substitutions in addition to those which distinguish the A and ? variants. Three of these are silent mutations, however it appears that the occurrence in the cDNA sequence of a Val residue at position 105 may represent a new variant provisionally designated β‐lactoglobulin K, derived from β‐lactoglobulin A.