Investigation of the dynamic Stark effect of a J = 0 ↔ J = 1 optical transition

The dynamic Stark effect (Autler-Townes splitting and radiative shift) of a J = 0 ↔ J = 1 optical transition have been investigated. The barium atomic beam is illuminated by a strong pump beam, resonant or slightly non-resonant with the BaI resonance line (λ = 5 535 Å) ; the fluorescence induced by a weak probe beam is detected versus the probe frequency. With linear polarizations for the two beams one deals either with a two-level (parallel polarizations) or with a three-level system (perpendicular polarizations). In the latter case and for small detunings of the pump beam, the Autler-Townes doublet has been observed. For large detunings of the pump beam a single, shifted resonance has been obtained with both polarization settings. In the three-level case the observation of the passage from the Autler-Townes situation to the light-shift situation, is reported. The corresponding calculations are presented; a particular attention is paid to the case of large detunings for the pump beam (light-shift situation). The evolution calculated for the resonance curve (position and relative intensities of the peaks) when the relative polarization directions are changed is consistent with the experimental data