Differential Sensitivity of Well-Differentiated Avian Respiratory Epithelial Cells to Infection by Different Strains of Infectious Bronchitis Virus

Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) is an avian coronavirus affecting the respiratory tract of chickens. To analyze IBV infection of the lower respiratory tract, we applied a technique that uses precision-cut lung slices (PCLSs). This method allows infection of bronchial cells within their natural tissue composition under in vitro conditions. We demonstrate that IBV strains 4/91, Italy02, and QX infect ciliated and mucus-producing cells of the bronchial epithelium, whereas cells of the parabronchial tissue are resistant to infection. This is the first study, using PCLSs of chicken origin, to analyze virus infection. PCLSs should also be a valuable tool for investigation of other respiratory pathogens, such as avian influenza viruses.