Vescica Ileale Padovana: A Technique for Total Bladder Replacement

A new technique for detubularized and originally reshaped ileal total bladder replacement following radical cystectomy for bladder cancer is described and named ‘Vescica Ileale Padovana’. 16 patients have been clinically, radiologically and urodynamically evaluated with a follow-up ranging from 4 to 18 months (mean 10 months). The complication rate was low: 1 ureteroileal stenosis; 2 urethroileal strictures. Daytime continence was perfect in 87% (14 of 16 patients). Nighttime continence was perfect (dry sleep for 6-7 h) in 81 % (13 of 16 patients). The reservoir features were: high capacity (400-650 ml); low pressure (mean pressure at capacity 17 cm H(2)O no pressure waves in 50% of patients 30-50 cm H(2)O wide pressure waves with 250-ml threshold volume in 50%);absence of reflux; complete voiding by abdominal straining, and perineal relaxation.