Defective natural killer (NK) cell‐mediated cytotoxicity does not imply clonal involvement of NK cells in myelodysplastic syndromes

SUMMARY. The clonality of purified cells was examined in 10 myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) patients by analysing the restriction fragment length polymorphism and methylation pattern of the phosphoglycerate‐kinase gene. Natural killer (NK) cell‐mediated cytotoxicity was also examined. The granulocytes and monocytes were monoclonal or oligoclonal in all cases, except for the monocytes in one case. Conversely, the NK and T cells had a polyclonal pattern in most cases, including all cases who had defective NK cellmediated cytotoxicty. The hypothesis that reduced NK cellmediated cytotoxicity in MDS is caused by a clonal involvement of NK cells was not supported by the present study.