Differential effect of systemic acyclovir treatment of genital HSV-2 infections on antibody responses to individual HSV-2 proteins

Western blot and reflectance densitometry were used to evaluate the antibody response from patients treated with systemic acyclovir during their primary episodes of genital HSV‐2 infection. Of 39 patients studied, 10 received oral acyclovir, 10 received intravenous acyclovir, and 19 received placebo. Total antibody levels as well as levels of antibodies to individual HSV‐2 proteins (gB, gG, gC/gE, VP16, gD, and p45) were determined in convalescent phase sera. The median number of HSV‐2 proteins recognized and the total amount of HSV‐2 antibody were significantly lower in acyclovir than placebo treated patients (P ≤ 0.01). Levels of antibodies to individual proteins were also lower in sera from acyclovir versus placebo treated patients: gB (P = 0.013), gC/gE (P = 0.017), VP16 (P = 0.001), gD (P = 0.009), and p45 (P = 0.015). Antibody response to gG‐92 and to a newly described gG species, gG‐70, was not significantly different among treatment groups. A low number of proteins recognized by convalescent serum antibodies were associated with a higher number of lesions at first recurrence (P = 0.02) and with a longer duration of the first recurrent episode (P = 0.02). Low levels of total antibody were associated with shorter times to first recurrence (P = 0.05). Low levels of antibody to VP16 (P = 0.05) and gD (P = 0.01) were associated with longer duration of the first recurrence.