Linear optical response in silicon and germanium including self-energy effects

We calculate the optical response of silicon, ε1(ω), below the optical-absorption threshold and the static dielectric constant of germanium. The time-dependent local-density approximation (LDA) is modified by the addition of a self-energy term taken to be a ‘‘scissors operator,’’ Pck Δk. This form leads to a Ward identity replacement p→(εnk-HkLDA)1 (εnk-Hk)p. For silicon, we obtain 11.3 for ε1(ω=0), compared to 11.7 for experiment, 13.1 in our LDA calculation, and 8.4 in a naive self-energy corrected theory (i.e., simply modifying the eigenvalues without modifying the momentum operator). For germanium, the corresonding values as 16.5, 15.8, 21.3 and 10.4