When administered to anesthetized, laparatomized rats, bumetanide (10 mg/kg i.v.) evoked a rapid and large diuretic response. This was associated with 3- to 5-fold enhancements of urine kallikrein (kininogenase) excretion. Bumetanide slightly decreased (.apprx. 10 mm Hg) the blood pressure and temporarily increased renal blood flow (< 10%). The capacity of bumetanide to increase urine kallikrein excretion was inhibited either by pretreatment with chlorazanil (3 mg/kg i.v.) or by the infusion of aprotinin (5000 KIE per/kg per min). Kallikrein inhibition did not significantly modify bumetanide induced diuresis, natriuresis, kaliuresis, lowering of blood pressure or renal vasodilating effect.