Quantitative analysis of deuterium implanted in crystalline silicon and pyrolytic graphite by pulsed XeCl laser desorption

We have investigated the pulsed XeCl laser induced thermal desorption of deuterium implanted in crystalline silicon (c-Si) and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG). Calibrations and experimental procedures for the quantitative analysis of deuterium are described. The desorption thresholds are 0.55±0.09 and 0.43±0.07 J/cm2 for c-Si and c-axis HOPG, respectively. However, for a-axis HOPG, deuterium is difficult to desorb because of the higher thermal conductivity. As a desorption product from HOPG, CD4 has also been observed. The deuterium evolution in both c-Si and c-axis HOPG has been modeled with the code dtrlas. It appears to be mainly limited by the detrapping processes with the effective activation energies, EB= 1.2 ± 0.3 eV and EB = 2.35 ± 0.55 eV for c-Si and c-axis HOPG, respectively.

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