An Improved Squash Technique for Human Male Meiotic Chromosomes: Softening and Concentration of Cells; Mounting in Hoyer's Medium

Human testicular material obtained from autopsies was processed as follows: (1) swelled with 0.3% sodium citrate 1–6 hr; (2) softened with 3 M glucono-delta-lactone 2 hr; (3) stained with aceto- or propiono-carmine overnight; (4) washed in 70% alcohol; (5) macerated in 1:1 alcohol-acetic acid; (6) filtered through gauze to remove tubules and connective tissue; (7) filtrate centrifuged to separate spermatocytes from debris; (8) a drop of supernate from just above the precipitate, containing stained cells, mixed with Hoyer's medium; (9) cover slip applied, preparation warmed, and (10) squashed. Chromosomes remained in good condition for 8 mo.