Grouping and Occurrence of RI (Prototype RI-67) Viruses.

Summary Viruses of the RI family which caused acute respiratory illness among soldiers at Fort Dix, N. J., Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., and Fort Ord, Calif, during the last few years were separated into 3 groups based on neutralization tests with paired sera from cases. These 3 groups of agents corresponded to serotypes 3, 4 and 7 of Rowe et al. determined by tests with monotypic rabbit antisera. Latent virus types 1, 2, 5 and 6 which were recovered originally from tonsil or adenoid tissues by others did not appear to be of etiologic importance in the military illnesses. The CF test results, in contrast to the neutralization findings, were markedly group-specific. The importance of strain heterogeneity in relation to diagnosis and immunity is discussed.