Getting Off the Seeds–and–tools Treadmill with CRS Seed Vouchers and Fairs

The free distribution of seeds and tools is the standard approach to agricultural recovery. The predominance of this approach is partly attributable to the: (1) perception that farmer seed quality is poor, (2) insistence on seed certification, (3) promotion of researcher varieties, (4) misdiagnosis of unavailability, (5) difficulty accessing farmer seed, and (6) support for the commercial seed sector. This paper presents a Seed Security Assessment Framework to distinguish among the causes of seed insecurity and focuses on three principal concepts: seed availability; access to seed; and factors associated with seed utilisation. Using this diagnostic framework, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has developed a better approach to promoting seed system-based agricultural recovery. It involves a combination of seed voucher distribution and the organization of seed fairs, which bring together a range of sellers from whom the holders of vouchers may purchase seed. This approach is advantageous because it: strengthens farmer seed procurement systems; is cost efficient; in economic terms, has a multiplier effect in the community; is straightforward to plan and implement; allows commercial sector participation; provides an opportunity to promote improved varieties for farmer evaluation; brings together different communities.