A Field Evaluation of In‐Situ Biodegradation of Chlorinated Ethenes: Part 2, Results of Biostimulation and Biotransformation Experiments

Results are presented from a field study that document the in‐situ biotransformation of trichloroethylene (TCE), cis‐dichLoroethylene (cis‐DCE), trans‐dichloroethylene (trans‐DCE), and vinyl chloride (VC) in a saturated, semiconfined aquifer. The enhanced biotransformation was accomplished by stimulating the growth of indigenous methane‐oxidizing bacteria (methanotrophs), which transform chlorinated aliphatic compounds by a cometabolic process to stable, nontoxic end products. Experiments were performed in the presence and absence of biostimulation by means of controlled chemical addition, frequent sampling, and quantitative analysis. The degree of biotransformation was assessed using mass balances and comparisons with bromide as a conservative tracer. Biostimulation of the test zone was successfully achieved by injecting methane‐ and oxygen‐containing ground water in alternating pulses under induced gradient conditions. After a few weeks of stimulation, methane concentrations gradually decreased below the detection limit within two meters of travel. Under active biostimulation conditions, 20 to 30% of the TCE was biotransformed during the first season of testing. Direct evidence for biotransformation of VC, trans‐DCE, cis‐DCE, and TCE was obtained in the second and third seasons of field testing. In the absence of biostimulation, the organic compounds concentrations at observation wells reached 95% of the injection concentration, demonstrating negligible losses due to abiotic processes. Biostimulation of the test zone resulted in a concurrent decrease in concentration of methane and the halogenated aliphatic compounds. The organic compounds were transformed within two meters of travel as follows: TCE, 20–30%; cis‐DCE, 45–55%; trans‐DCE, 80–90%; and VC, 90–95%. These results are in qualitative agreement with methane‐utilizing, mixed‐culture laboratory studies which indicate that the rate of biotransformation is more rapid when the molecules are less halogenated.A biotransformation intermediate was observed which was identified by GC‐MS analysis as trans‐dichloroethylene oxide (trans‐DCE epoxide), an expected intermediate based on laboratory studies. When methane addition was stopped, the concentration of the intermediate rapidly decreased, while halogenated compound concentrations slowly increased, indicating that active methane utilization was required for biotransformation to occur.