The spectrum of livedo reticularis and anticardiolipin antibodies

We document a study of 65 patients presenting to our clinics, over a 2-year period, with livedo reticularis. All patients were screened for the presence of anti-cardiolipin antibodies and assessed for the presence of central nervous system disease and features of the ‘antiphospholipid’ syndrome, including venous and arterial thromboses and foetal loss. Patients were also assessed for other clinical features such as Raynaud's phenomenon and valvular lesions. Twenty-eight anti-cardiolipin positive patients were compared with 37 anti-cardiolipin negative patients. There was a statistically significant difference in the incidence of cerebrovascular disease (including strokes and transient ischaemic attacks) thrombocytopenia, valvular heart lesions and foetal loss in the anti-cardiolipin positive patients as compared with the anti-cardiolipin negative groups.